Mumbai Mirror

Mumbai Mirror

  • 5.1
  • n/A
  • 2hrs 16 mins
  • 110 Votes

Mumbai Mirror revolves around Abhijeet Patil, a hardcore action packed cop, who can neither tolerate violence against women nor crime in his area. He comes across a drug racket led by Shetty, who runs several bars in the city. One of the dancers, Rani, knows Abhijeet well and seduces him. She keeps using him under Shetty's directions without realizing that Abhijeet is not the usual cop they were thinking him to be. But soon, a lot of players get involved in this game: a game that takes various twists and turns, with most of them against Abhijeet. But he's sharp enough to fight it out, all alone. With the help of Jia, a reporter from Mumbai Mirror and his colleagues, Abhijeet sets out on a rampage that takes various paths with various turns leading to the final showdown : which can be won by nothing but by checkmating the opponent.

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